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Saturday, February 27, 2010

Let them smile... Enjoy it! ^_*

Have you ever come across a situation where you are doing something minding your own business then people pass you by smiled looking at what you are doing? Sometimes you get embarrassed, and suddenly you have the urge to turn your self into a stalk and plug your head in the sand right that moment.. Malunya... !!! hehehe...

Well that happens to me all the time. Here are a few incidents I like to share with you.. when people smile at the sight of me..:

1) When my daughter was still breastfeeding. I was only a tutor at a small college. There was time when I hide under my desktop table to pump her milk supply everyday. The sound of the pump was always a sign to everybody in the room. When ever the session was over I came back to sit on my desk then there were smiles from my colleagues. 

Some who was brave enough with bunch of curiosity will approach with questions on what I was doing, what is  the best approach to be successful to brestfeed until 2 years old, what do they need to eat, how to go about and manage time.. and lots more.

So although it was kinda embarrassing in my part but all in all it wasn't a bad gesture. People could learn from you. And you are not doing anything wrong anyway. Maybe you'll give some motivation for other people to do the same thing right. So all those smiles didn't seem to be so bad after-all.. eihh hehehe...

2) The second situation was when I was a student in our local university. I was always the sporty kind of girl. Though I look soft spoken, soft as most my friend see me. But I like adventure very much. I like to wear jeans and long sleeve man-like shirts to class. There was a semester when i cycle to class daily. People will always smile whenever I arrive. But to me that wasn't that embarrassing. Coz boys rode motorcycle to class I rode my bicycle. Thought it was a special sight at that moment but all in all still acceptable.

The situation that was kind of embarrassing to me was in my degree time, I stayed with my classmate and we were renting a house really close to the lake in town. At that time I have a habit of putting on my running attire and with my walkman plug in my ear every morning after Subuh prayer and brisk walk to the lake. I did this every time I don't have a morning class and every weekend. I'm short sighted.. I never wear my glasses any other time except in class where I have to face the lecturer. Other time my glasses are tucked in my bag-pack.

The first time I did that my friends didn't seem to give much attention to it. But my activity seem constant and turn out I did it regularly they started to crack a smile every morning when I started to put on my running attire. Some looked amaze, some of them even started to gather some friends in groups to organise the jogging session of their own. Even some of the boys in class was also started smiling when they saw me in class with my walkman. It turns out they also notice my activity (jogging and brisk walking), as I wasn't wearing my glasses I never noticed them when they pass me by. 

One of the benefit i notice is, although it was kind of embarrassing at the moment having some people smile at your activity, but it turns out my little gesture has aspire some of my housemate to also join in the healthy activity at their own pace and time. Some even ask me if they could join in with me... So all those smirk turns out to not so bad at all in the end. Mula2 memang lah rasa segan dan malukan.. but kendian besh gak..per.. hehehe..

3) The third scenario is my current situation. I started out kinda lousy at work. Sometimes my boss would saw my eyes all teary at some moment all of a sudden. She wanted to ask something about work I was working on, yes I did it regularly and reported the progress but there was time when she turned to me I was all teary and blushed. She was really careful to ask on those related to work and nothing else. She did have some concerned facial expression. I also had a really bad discipline to start of. I punch in late in the morning with some reason that was also still valid to her.

But all in all I always seem to be technically literate when ever it turns over to work related task. Although my life seem a little messed-up at the moment, my knowledge and technical experience still shine through.I was able to give out deliverables but it was constantly delayed. But the output was at par with her expectation and sometime better. 

But now as I had slowly remove all the things that had been a disturbance in my life. And started to organise and manage personal, emotional, professional obligation in place, my life seems to be more organise. My discipline was improve, my worked started to meet deadlines, the projection of my image started to improve. My mind started to be more optimistic and positive. I've started to get involve in sports activity, gradually my smile shines. I turn in to the office early or on time... 

I see the smile in my boss's face. She slowly seem to trust me more and slowly handing over task to me as she started to see me shine and improve. She didn't say much but her soft smile was really relieving. Thanks for having patience in me and putting some faith in my credibility. I will do my best and not let you down. 

It is kind of embarrassing to me having to face all these little situation of smiley... But it's better to have people smile at you when your doing things that is good rather than have people smirk at you for your bad image behavior and lack of credibility. So it's comes back to the title of my post today...

Let them smile... Enjoy it

 PS: recently I have some Sapura staff smiling at me as I came in from the parking bay as they know I will choose the staircase instead of the lift every morning... hehehe malunya... but enjoy it.. while it last kan... kan.. kan.. (^_^)v

Monday, February 1, 2010

History of Futsal

The origin of Futsal® (Five-a-Side Soccer) can be traced back to Montevideo, Uruguay, in 1930 when Juan Carlos Ceriani devised a five-a-side version of soccer for youth competion in YMCAs.  The game is played on basketball-sized courts, both indoors and out without the use of sidewalls.

The term FUTSAL® is the international term used for the game. It is derived from the Spanish or Portuguese word for "soccer"-- FUTbol or FUTebol, and the French or Spanish word for "indoor" -- SALon or SALa. The term was adopted by U.S. Futsal since it includes the initials "fUtSAl" (USA). The term was trademarked in the United States after U.S. Futsal changed its corporate name within the state of California.

The game is frequently referred to as Five-A-Side or Mini-soccer.  Once Ceriani got the ball rolling, Futsal gained rapid popularity throughout South America, particularly in Brazil.  The skill developed in this game is visible in the world-famous style the Brazilians display outdoors on the full-sized field.  Pele, Zico, Socrates, Bebeto and other Brazilian superstars developed their skill playing Futsal.  While Brazil continues to be the Futsal hub of the world, the game is now played, under the auspices of FIFA, all over the world, from Europe to North and Central America and the Caribbean, South America, Africa, and Asia and Oceania.

The first international competition took place in 1965, when Paraguay won the first South American Cup.  Six more South American Cups were held through 1979, with Brazil winning all of them.  Brazil continued its dominance with a victory in the first Pan American Cup in 1980 and won it again the next time it was played in 1984.  A U.S. team took part in the 1984 cup, but finished out of the running.

The U.S. Futsal Federation was founded in 1981 and incorporated in January, 1983.  Osvaldo Garcia was it's first president.  The game is referred to as Minisoccer,  five-a-side soccer, Futbol Sala or Futebol de Salao, but it is also widly refereed by it trademark name, Futsal.  The current Federation president is Alex J.C. Para.

To read more visit : http://www.futsal.org/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=61&Itemid=156

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Bakat terperam... hu hu hu

Lautan Kasih Lyana

Sinopsis: Lautan Kasih Lyana

Syarifah Lyana namanya dikenali sebagai seorang yang pendiam, jujur, berbudi bahasa, lembut, pemalu dan bijak. Namum begitu, kehidupan keluarganya sentiasa bergolak. Dari sejak bila dia sendiri pun tidak tahu. Jauh dari pergaulan yang agak sosiol, Lyana disegani rakan-rakan dan disukai guru-guru. Tumpuannya hanya pada pelajaran, ilmulah tunggak utama kehidupan, penentu masa depan. Pengalaman hidup telah menentukan prinsip hidupnya, dia tidak akan mudah menerima kehadiran lelaki dalam hidupnya hanya sekadar suka-suka, apabila berpacaran dia akan tetap setia sehingga ke hujungnya.

Ahmad Hazrin hadir mengetuk pintu hati Lyana. Seorang pelajar pintar yang diminati ramai dikalangan rakan sekelasnya. Seorang yang berpenampilan teguh, peramah, dan pandai menghormati rakan-rakannya. Hazrin, lelaki pertama yang cuba mendekatinya. Dalam diam hati Lyana dicuri. Bibit-bibit cinta yang tersemai menjadi rahsia hatinya sendiri. Namun begitu kegembiraan tidak kekal lama. Takdir yang Maha Esa menentukan mereka harus berpisah. Salah faham kecil berlaku membuatkan mereka hilang perhubungan. Demi masa depan Hazrin, Lyana pasrah. Akhirnya hubungan itu sepi sendiri.

Cinta pertama sememangnya indah. Di pegang teguh, disemadi dihati. Memori indah yang tidak akan luntur dari lubuk hati Lyana. Menjadi semangat baginya mengharungi kehidupan. Penampilan ceria dan berbudi Lyana menjadikan dirinya disenangi di kampus. Ramai siswa yang hadir menghulurkan salam. Tetapi ditolak lembut oleh Lyana. Namum pelawaan kakak angkat Lyana agar bertemu rakan sekelasnya diterima Lyana. Personaliti pemalu Hafni membuatkan Lyana membuka hatinya kembali untuk mencuba. Kehadiran Hafni mewarnai hidup Lyana. Hidupnya semakin ceria. Malah Lyana redha dan sabar menerima sikap panas baran Hafni yang sering menyakiti diri dan hatinya, dia tetap akan setia walo apa dugaan menimpa. Itu prinsip dirinya. Dipegang kukuh sehingga hubungan mereka membawa ke jinjang pelamin.

Perkahwinan yang dibina sering bergolak. Entah mengapa ada saja salah dan silap Lyana dimata Hafni. Kata-kata kesat umpama garam kehidupannya sejak bersama Hafni. Segala pengornanan Lyana tidak pernah melembutkan kelancangan lidah Hafni. Akhirnya Lyana akur, prinsip hidupnya harus dibuang jauh-jauh. Tiada gunanya setia pada insan yang tidak pandai menghargai nilai dirinya. Keberanian dikumpul, Lyana memberanikan dirinya melangkah pergi.

Apakah masih ada pelangi menanti? Mungkinkah kebahgian akan menjadi miliknya jua? Lyana sering bersabar dan berdoa agar dipinjamkan kekuatan untuk mengharungi kehidupan barunya.

Nama pena:
Kasih Ibu (mummy’s love)


Bab 1

Suasana tenang di kantin Sekolah Menengah Jalan Bukit agak lengang. Pelajar sesi pagi sudah dua jam berakhir. Pelajar sesi petang sudah tidak lagi berkeliaran. Kelibat guru disiplin sekolah amat digeruni pelajar-pelajar nakal. Jangan cuba nak tunjuk pandai, hukuman yang menanti pasti setimpal dengan kenakalan pelajar. Sesekali kedengaran gurau senda para pelajar dari kelas berdekatan. Kelihatan dua rakan karib berbaju kurung biru-putih sedang berjalan menuju kantin sekolah dari surau berdekatan. Perut yang berkeroncong perlu diisi. Tenaga untuk terus belajar hingga ke petang. Meja batu bulat dibawah pohon rendang menjadi pilihan untuk berlabuh melepaskan penat.

“Farah mana?” sapa rakannya memecah sepi. “Kita makan dululah ya. Nanti datanglah dia tu.” Lyana sudah biasa dengan kerenah dan perihal dua rakan karibnya itu. Mereka sering kelihatan bertiga kemana jua. Tetapi hubungan Lyana dan Hasni lebih rapat kerana mereka pulang ke taman perumahan yang sama. Farah tinggal dikawasan perumahan yang lain.

Farah terkenal di sekolah. Diminati ramai pelajar. Dia seorang yang peramah dan mudah mesra dengan sesiapa sahaja. Suka mengusik dan beraut wajah menarik. Kulitnya yang putih bersih menjadikan dirinya sentiasa menjadi tarikan. Kejelitaan Farah menjadikan Farah seorang yang berkeyakinan. Hasni pula seorang gadis yang pemalu dan berbudi bahasa, kadang-kadang kalut tetapi berhati lembut. Hasni juga seorang yang ceria bila bersama rakan-rakannya. Dia juga suka mengusik seperti Farah. Lyana pula seorang pelajar cerdik yang pendiam dan mudah tersenyum. Lebih suka mendengar dari berbicara. Pemalu dan bersopan. Disenangi ustazah kerana penampilannya yang besederhana. Mereka mendapat jolokan Tiga Dara Pingitan kerana sering kelihatan bertiga walo dimana mereka berada. Kekadang juga dipanggil minah baik, dan kadang-kadang minah skima.

“Eh laparlah...” Tiba-tiba kelihatan Farah berjalan laju mendekati mereka berdua. “Kau dari mana nie Farah?” Tegur Hasni ceria melihat kehadiran rakannya itu. Hasni dan Lyana berhenti menjamu selera seketika. Lyana tersenyum sambil berkata “Pergila beli, kitorang tunggu nie.” Keropok lekor dan mi kari yang terhidang kelihatan menyelerakan. “Aku tolong Cikgu tadi, kat bilik kaunseling. Pastu jumpa Wati pasal dikir barat,” jelas Farah. Matanya tertumpu pada mi kari milik Lyana. Dia sudah mencongak apa yang ingin di jamahnya. Dia terus melangkah menuju kantin. Hasni meneruskan suapan keropok lekornya. Sesekali dipelawa kepada Lyana.

“Ish ko. Mangkuk besar tu… Aku jealous lah tengok ko. Makan banyak tapi badan macam tu jugak.” Mata Hasni sedikit tercegil terperanjat dengan selera Farah. Apa taknya pukul 10 tadi dah rehat makan pagi. Sekarang baru pukul 2 ptg. Mi mangkuk besar dan pisang goreng di letakkan di hadapan Lyana. Lyana Cuma tersenyum.

“Entah la, aku nie metabolisme tinggi kot,” jawab Farah selamba. “Eh, makan la. Kita ada ujian komputer kan hari nie?” Lyana memberikan peringatan kepada rakan-rakannya.
“A’a ye la. Kau tolong aku nanti ye Yana. Kau tu pandai sikit dari kitorang. Ko bagi tiru tau.”
“A’a… Yelah-yelah nanti kita tiru. Ish makan lah cepat Yana pun tak study lagi ni”
“Yana tak payah study… Gerenti A punya. Tak payah risau”

Lyana, Farah dan Hasni selalu bergurau begitu bila menjelang ujian dan peperiksaan. Tapi mereka tidak pernah meniru. Sikap jujur dalam diri mereka tetap utuh. Biarlah sedikit pun markah diterima janji puas hati kerana itu semua atas usaha mereka sendiri. Tetapi setiap hujung ujian kertas Lyana sering jadi rujukan. Mereka pasti Lyana tentunya dapat markah tertinggi antara mereka. Lepas tu Farah pulak dengan beraninya akan berjumpa guru untuk mendapat penyelesaian atau jawapan penuh kepada soalan ujian.


Friday, January 8, 2010

Interesting quote from the movie 'Why did I get married?'
In most cases, especially in relationships, you will only get 80% of what you NEED and you will hardly get the other 20% that you WANT in your relationship. There is always another person (man or women) that you will meet and that will offer you the other 20% which is lacking in your relationship that you WANT And believe me, 20% looks really good when you are not getting it at all in your current relationship.
But the problem is that you will always be tempted to leave that good 80% that you know you have, thinking that you will get something better with the other 20% that you WANT
But as reality has proven, in most cases, you will always end up with having the 20% that you WANT and loosing the 80% that you really NEED and that you already had.
Be careful in deciding between what you WANT and NEED in your life

Adultery happens when you start looking for what you don't have. 'Wow, this girl in my office is a real looker. But it's not her Wynona Rider features that got me. I'm crazy about her because she's also understanding, intelligent, tender - so many things that my spouse is not'

Somewhere along the way, you'll find a woman or a man who will be more charming or sensitive. More alluring. More thoughtful. Richer. Have greater sex appeal. And you will find a woman or man who will need you and pursue you and go loco over you more than your spouse ever did.

Because no wife or husband is perfect. Because a spouse will only have 80% of what you're looking for. So adultery takes place when a husband or wife looks for the missing 20%. Let's say your wife is melancholic by nature.

You may find yourself drawn to the pretty clerk who has a cherry laugh no matter what she says: 'I broke my arm yesterday, Hahahaha . . ..'

Or because your wife is a homebody in slippers and pajamas, smelling of garlic and fish oil, you may fall for a fresh-smelling young sales representative that visits your office in a sharp black blazer, high heels, and a red pencil-cut skirt Or because your husband is the quiet
type, your heart may skip a beat when you meet an old college flame who has the makings of a talk show host.

But wait! That's only 20% of what you don't have.

Don't throw away the 80% that you already have!

That's not all. Add to your spouse's 80% the 100% that represents all the years that you have been with each other. The storms you have weathered together. The unforgettable moments of sadness and joy as a couple. The many adjustments you have made to love the other. The wealth of memories that you've accumulated as lovers.

Adultery happens when you start looking for what you don't have.

But faithfulness happens when you start thanking God for what you already have.

But I'm not just talking about marriage.

I'm talking about life!

About your jobs.
About your friends.
About your children.
About your lifestyles.

Are you like the economy airline passenger that perennially peeks through the door of the first class cabin, obsessed with what he's missing? 'They have got more leg room! Oh my, their food is served in porcelain! Wow, their seats recline at an 80% angle and they've got personal videos!'

I guarantee you'll be miserable for the entire trip! Don't live your life like that. Forget about what the world says is first class. Do you know that there are many first class passengers who are miserable in first class -- because they are not riding in a private Lear Jet?

The main message???

If you start appreciating what you have right now, wherever you are, you are first class!


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